As we have reiterated, if a customer does not perceive a difference, they will decide by price . In many cases we offer a much more robust and effective value proposition, but the client does not always recognize or be aware of these differences. It is not easy to refer to the competition; even some salespeople feel uncomfortable doing so. Put your customer in context to place the client in the market environment you must explain its scope versus other options. The good news is that you do not have to mention these options by first and last name. Here are five politically correct ways to refer to the competition, show the client the risks of not working with you and establish your differentials: (1) “some clients have mentioned us.

Some clients have mentioned us

This is putting into the mouths of customers (without citing any in particular), what they have experienced with your competitors and with yourself. Not only do you take him out of the equation by showing objectivity. But you are making him understand that someone with the same interests has already been there. For example, for an executive data educational entity. “Some students have told us that they decided to pursue a postgraduate degree at our university because at others they noticed that the program did not have the international scope that ours offers.” “The other brand…” especially in markets with very few competitors where alternatives can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Demonstrating that you know how your direct competitor works and what it offers allows you to establish a clear position for your solution.

What we have seen in the market

Five politically For example, “the other brand has a great reputation and their products work very well, especially for home use. In our case, the high-end references are designed for heavy duty, so you will not have to resort to frequent maintenance.” (3) “what we have seen Email Lead in the market…” raise your perception as an expert on multiple actors in the sector. This gives you a spectrum that your interlocutor usually does not have and that can be of value. Just as your customers know your competitors better, you know your customers’ competitors better.