My Email Marketing Course for Bloggers with Acumbamail , now free and open to the public. 10 Videos in a public YouTube playlist. Hello! How is everything? Good? I hope so! I do, pretty good. The truth is that this last week has been one of the most productive of my life so I am happy . I’m starting to see the exit from that tunnel that had me lost and scared. Happiness happiness! That’s why I wanted to publish this Saturday post. A bonus that demonstrates my interest in publishing at least 2 posts a week again and that I hope will add value to you and be interesting to you. In reality, it is nothing more than the opening to the public of that Course for Bloggers with Acumbamail that I launched months ago for my blog subscribers.
A course that has been
Very interesting for many, a course that I had a great time creating and a course that has given me a lot of positive feedback. Therefore, after observing that lately I had received company data few registrations in that course, I decided that it should not be lost in oblivion, that it was time to bring it to light . Well, it was also a matter of me wanting to test if playlists could be inserted into my blog and, well, you know, one thing leads to another..
.Acmubamail to configuring advanced autoresponders . All with practical examples and explanations. To see the playlist, click the button in the upper left corner of the video at the top of this post (Damn, I know, it looks like a gymkhana or the tests of an escapism game or something like that, but you tell me I will explain how you fire wood by text that you click on the play button at the top left… hahahaha).
The videos that form Email Marketing
The content of the course: Overview of Acumbamail, SPF and DKIM configuration . We walk through the registration of a new Acumbamail account and the. Initial configurations necessary to ensure good deliverability Email Lead of our emails. Find out what DKIM, SPF is and how to validate your domain and shipping addresses. From Mailchimp to Acumbamail in full . As you know from the list of articles I have published about MailChimp , I used it before.
Therefore, when I decided to switch to Acumbamail, I discovered that this would be one of my great challenges. In this video I not only explain how to import existing contacts. I teach you how to perform a total synchronization in real time between them. How to integrate Acumbamail into your WordPress blog .