The best way to measure progress is to set goals for your organization as a whole. Plus separate social media goals for each branch. You both want the same thing growth! Profit! Loyal customers! But how you go about achieving those goals will be different. For example. Each branch is going to have a much bigger role in customer service and engagement than your head office assuming each location will manage their own social profiles. In that case. Goals for branches could be: delivering a response time under hour for all dms. Customer service satisfaction survey scores above . Growing follower counts and engagement rates. Psst: use our free engagement rate calculator to see how you stack up.

Tour of Your Workspace

Whereas goals for your organization will be more brand-focuse. Such as: monitoring and improving your brand reputation. Using social listening to proactively address potential pr crises and conduct competitive research. Supporting franchisee success through sharing analytics results and coaching them on social media marketing best practices. . Create a dos and donts guide you nee three guidelines b2b leads to share with franchisees: brand guidelines: all the visual aspects of your brand. Like which logo version to use. Colors. How to spell product names and if they nee trademark symbols or not. Etc. Social media policy: you could include this within a larger brand guidelines document.

A Behind-The-Scenes Look at Your Creative Process

This spells out your brand voice. A dos and donts guide: think of this as a quick. Point-form one-pager listing out the most important social media rules. A dos and donts guide should serve as a cheat sheet franchisees can use to judge whether they should post something or not. Stating clear expectations is the best way to avoid potential pr disasters. And for your franchisees to feel Email Lead confident about what theyre posting. Best buy doesnt call theirs a dos and donts but its clear and to the point: best buy social media policy keep your guidelines and policy documents where all franchisees can easily access them. It can be as simple as a google drive folder. Put visual assets in the same folder too.