Keywords are the terms and sentences that users use to search on engines such as Google and Bing. Positioning for Logically, each market segment has keywords that represent a very good. Opportunity for positioning in search engines and, consequently, guarantee. The exposure and visibility necessary for any content strategy. For example, if it is about universities, “study a career”, “best careers” and “professional education” could be very good keywords .

Positioning for Development of Key Themes for the Market

Explaining how certain top people data products are used, how certain areas and processes are optimized. And producing educational content is ideal for generating leads . As users prefer to approach brands and organizations that. Project professionalism, knowledge, and experience . That is, with the correct application of the permission principle of Inbound. Marketing , users are given constructive reasons to engage with a brand, since it helps them solve real problems and doubts.

Right Content for the Right People

To guarantee a good return Email Lead on investment (ROI) from Content Marketing. Within the strategy planning it is necessary to prioritize qualification . In other words, it is essential that we can detect what the key themes of the market segment are and. Also, what type of people may be really interested in our products and services. This immediately takes us to the definition of the Buyer Persona. This term refers to the semi-fictional representation of the ideal client. Which goes far beyond the traditional concept of the target audience.