Shoot for a simple presentation The desire to make things too complex is a common design downfall. When you try to draw attention to too many things. Readers just get overwhelm. Including plenty of white space is the best way to make your design pop. Give your content space to breathe White space is essential to creating a professional design. It serves multiple purposes: breaking up content into different segments; giving the reader space to absorb what you’re sharing; and balancing out the more eye-catching images. Headlines. Or ctas.

Leaving proper spacing

Leaving proper spacing and margins between different design and content elements paradoxically brings everything together into a coherent whole. Without sufficient white space. Different segments and elements of your email will compete with each other. A tidy-looking email will always asia email list look more professional than one where every pixel has been “design.” Strike the right balance with image and graphics The “right” number of images depends on the purpose of your newsletter — a principle that’s true for many tips in this article. The best rule is to only use images when they’re necessary. If your message relies on multiple images or gifs. Make sure you follow the best practices for image-heavy emails.

These visuals may seem more confusing

Design tip: there’s no optimal image-to-text ratio. Previous “rules” were bas on how spam filters us to work. Senders are no longer penaliz for image-heavy emails. Use graphs. Infographics. And other forms of data visualization with caution. These visuals may seem more confusing or Email Lead overwhelm readers when they’re nest among other content. If you do want a visual to demonstrate your point. Use circles. Arrows. And other annotations to help your reader understand what they’re looking at.