Avon offered its customers discounts after all the holidays

This approach is pleasant for buyers and guarantees additional income for the company in the dead post-holiday season.

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Share useful content and site updates with subscribers. This kind of letters are welcome at any time. Give advice on the use of goods. Or keep them up to date with the latest innovations that can make their life easier.

1PS.RU reminds about ideas that will increase sales, shares the best cases of the past year and offers to repeat these records for new customers. In the letter usefulness and unobtrusive advertising coexist well. 

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Another type of letter that is appropriate during the Christmas period is gratitude to customers. Thank your subscribers for their support and for being with you. Tell us what is planned for next year. And offer some gift. This will show how much you appreciate them. Skillbox provided a certificate for 30,000 rubles as a gift.

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Arrange drawings and offer all sorts of interesting things, as they did in the MIF publishing house.

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How to strengthen the New Year campaign

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1. Segmentation.  Customer mailboxes for the New Year are bursting with offers and promotions. Standard emails may go unnoticed. Come up with a feature that will help your emails stand out among hundreds of similar ones. And it is desirable to make an offer that will suit a specific group of buyers.

2. Offer free shipping. Holidays are another reason Cayman Islands Phone Number List to show the company’s loyalty to customers. Remove anything that may interfere with the purchase of the product. For many customers, the stumbling block is shipping costs. Try offering free shipping. This will help persuade those customers who do not want to pay extra money or who think that shipping costs are high to buy.

But take care of yourself. Set a lower threshold that is well above your standard average check. For example, if on ordinary days the average check is $50, then set free shipping from $80.

3. A/B testing.  Experiment and test. So you will understand what works Email Lead and what should be abandoned. Test the theme, text blocks, image layout, CTA buttons, and whatever else you feel is necessary. This way you will get your own “ideal letter”.