The usefulness of the social media policy is to protect the. Company from the risks it could incur using social communication. For example, any disputes with your users. Followers mployees, or the loss of  be sensitive data. The possible collateral damage deriving from incorrect media management manifold should not be underestimated.

The change in the world of communication

Until about ten years ago, communication was administered exclusively by the top management of the company. Now this is no longer the case. The advent of social media has revolutionized Australia Phone Number List the classic pyramid structure causing the hierarchies of power to collapse.

The transition from top-down to bottom-up communication sees the employees of a company as protagonists and no longer exclusively the top management.

How to draft a Social Media Policy First of all it must

First of all it must be emphasized that its primary First of all it must be purpose is to highlight the brand’s values  ​​without limiting the freedom of expression of the subjects involved. To draft it, it is therefore necessary  to involve a lawyer  specialized in the matter.

The final document must not be indicative or approximate, but  prescriptive  and precise. So as not to be subject to questionable interpretations.

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How do you write a social media policy? Here are the five key guidelines:

  1. Explain the rationale behind the policy
  2. Indicate the function of First of all it must be the social page
  3. List the rules of behavior
  4. Mention the penalties for those who Email Lead do not respect the rules
  5. Use a clear style in line with the company The transition from top-down to bottom-up communication sees the employees of a company as protagonists and no longer exclusively the top management.