Why are you writing? What is the purpose of the post?

Every copywriter needs to develop a precise strategy, which every single post must respect. Writing to sell, writing to inform, or writing to entertain are very different things. The purpose of each post must always be clear to the writer.

How to tell?

Telling stories , creating a narrative, a logical thread USA Phone Number List that users can find even in multiple posts, is always a great idea. Giving your content an identifying style is the right approach to reflect the personality of the brand and its image . A good technique to understand if you are going in the right direction is that of personalization : what would my brand be like if it were a person? How would he interact with others?

Some rules of social copywriting

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Copywriting as we have seen is a kaleidoscopic art, which must reflect and harmonize different intentions. Having said this, however, there are some general rules that can be used to write on social networks, with some precautions dedicated to each channel.

copy written for social media must have:

  • A captivating title
  • An interesting body of text
  • A CTA, i.e. a call to action
  • A visual element, i.e. an image or video

Other tips:

  • Evaluate the use of subordinate clauses. Sentences that are Email Lead too articulated can tire the reader too much, who may not complete the reading.
  • Eliminate unnecessary sentences. Redundancy of information is not welcome on social networks. 
  • Choose your adjectives intelligently, opting only for those that actually add a significant element to what you are saying.
  • Use clear and direct words to avoid any kind of ambiguity.