Communication 2.0 is causing a What is revolution in the way companies communicate with their clients; current and potential. Communication strategies must be designed with online in mind , and work not with the objective of communicating, but of talking with your customers, since they are online forming communities where they exchange opinions about any topic, including our brand or product.

This is where we must ask What is ourselves the question

And what is said What is about our brand? Has anyone top industry data within the company ever cared to find out? Maybe yes, but unconsciously and without realizing the obligation to respond. And although the conversation must be spontaneous, lively and transparent, someone must agitate that online consumer to participate. And that someone is the community manager . We believe that any piece of the puzzle that makes up an agency must have transversal thinking.

You must be aware that to communicate on social networks in particular

And on the Internet in general, you must Email Lead know on which sites to communicate (planning), what message to express (communication), how to express it so as not to go unnoticed (creativity) and to know What possibilities the channel (online) offers you. Social Media Marketing is not a fad , but a true revolution that is here to stay.