Videos cannot be embedded in mailing lists. But, if you want to personally tell your subscribers something, you can place a screenshot with a link to your video in the letter. And these services will help you create a high-quality video:

Capwing . It is a modern editor for images, GIFs and videos. You can easily take a still picture, resize a video, adjust brightness and contrast, add subtitles, remove or add sound, and much more.

Animaker . The perfect tool if you need to create multiple types of videos including explainer videos

commercials, social media videos, presentations or animated infographics, and more. 

Renderforest . A cloud-based animation and video Qatar Phone Numbers List production tool that makes it easy and fast to bring your ideas to life. For example, introductory videos, animated walkthrough videos, presentations, infographics, and more. The creation of a logo and website design is also available here.

In the article you will find  even more tools for creating videos, animations and GIFs.

Services for compressing images and GIFs.

phone number list

If a photo or GIF in an email is too “heavy”, compress it without losing quality.

A simple online service for compressing jpg and png images.
Fixpicture . Performs the same tasks. But three levels of image output quality are available here: good, medium, high.
I♥IMG . Service for reducing the size of gifs. There are also other tools for converting and editing images.
gifcompressor . Another free service where you can compress a GIF in 2 clicks.
Compress or die . Various image compressor – JPG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, OBJ.

  • Tools for working with text.

In order not to spoil the impression of your brand or company with illiterate mailings, use the following services to check the text: 

 Languagetool , Ukr-mova . Verification and correction of texts in Ukrainian.

Turgenev . Helps to find stylistically complex Email Lead constructions, too long sentences, indicates verbal garbage, unnecessary words and other problems that make reading difficult. To check the style for free, you need to register.

Glavred . Gives an overall assessment of the text. Shows unnecessary pronouns, participles and too weak verbs. He sees cliches, common phrases, stop words, inappropriate and unnecessary generalizations. And recommends what to do with it.