Machine learning and artificial intelligence to continuously improve its search capabilities and deliver more accurate and relevant results. With a focus on user experience and intuitive design. ChatGPT can potentially surpass Google as the go-to search platform for users looking for quick. personaliz answers to their questions. Do you want to increase sales? Get in touch with us for advice on integrat communication for your company TweetShare Guido Marabini Written by Guido Marabini Head of Digital and Project Manager.

Passionate about new technologies and unconventional communication.

I focus all my energies on finding the strategy and the perfect mix of tools to achieve all objectives.How online positioning strategies change  email list  with the Messy Middle MARCO TARGA – 12 JANUARY 2023 messy middle Google has develop a new Funnel concept. less linear and more adapt to describe the indecision. steps and comparison paths that characterize the user’s Buyer Journey. This new model is call Messy Middle.

Just as the funnel has characteriz Marketing activities to date.

The Messy Middle will have the same effect for years to come. How should companies behave to cope with this change? What actions should they implement to be present when the  Email Lead user expresses a ne. carries out a search on Google or is surfing the net ? In the article we will try to provide answers to these questions. The characteristics of the Messy Middle messy middle The logic behind the Messy Middle is different than the other paradigms we are us to using within common digital marketing strategies. In traditional purchase funnels we move from upper phases of comparison and in-depth analysis. to lower phases.