Neting’s directions

So far, the legislation. Now let’s see what the Neting experts suggest to anyone who wants to gain ease on Facebook.

Being social . If an entrepreneur decides to make his business known through a social network, he must become social himself. Facebook is a platform born to connect with other people, not robots. Therefore, availability for human relationships, use of correct language , respect for spelling, friendliness and kindness are required. In short, the entrepreneur must consider his fanpage as an integral part of customer service. Any negative comments must be accepted to improve, they should never be deleted, but used to communicate professionalism.

Sharing quality content . The contents must be varied. Posting Pakistan Phone Number List the same ones over and over again can bore customers, causing them to unfollow the page. 

Be visible . To generate traffic on the page it is necessary to give it visibility through corporate communication tools, for example by inserting a link to the fan page on the website or in advertisements. A link to the fanpage is also useful in the newsletter and on your own blog. ‘

phone number list

Connect . The entrepreneur must comment, at least three times a week, on posts from other pages. His contribution must be sincere and interesting, in order to arouse curiosity and induce consumers to follow him. One example is Renzo Rosso , founder of the Diesel clothing company . Nicknamed the “genius of jeans”, Renzo is very active on social media, especially on Instagram, where he shares photos of him around the world with more than 170,000 followers. 

Renzo Rosso

Write a memorable description . The fanpage is a free marketing space that must be exploited to the fullest. It is advisable not to report the official description of the company, but to adopt an Email Lead informal style that contains, in brief, the necessary information. The entrepreneur must imagine addressing a friend to whom he wants to describe his business, emphasizing what makes it different from that of competing companies.