In this modern world, no company can escape the digital transformation that is gaining more relevance in electronic commerce every day, for this reason, we will talk about the 7 challenges that companies face today. For this process to be a success, you must take into account some challenges that digital transformation represents and you must also know the enormous benefits it has to increase the sales of your products or services. digital transformation Before continuing, we are going to explain what digital transformation is so that the subject is clear and we can talk about the challenges. And it is that digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technology and digital processes, which can be applied in various areas of the company , to operate better and provide added value to customers .

For all business models

That is why you must be very careful with the digital transformation process in any business model, although there are still some companies that are resistant to change, but sooner or later they will have to. integration process Because the digitalization of a company is not the same as the digital transformation, since it is not enough Gmail Email List to just have a website, social networks or blog; digital transformation goes much further. Since it is a whole process to integrate new technologies and make use of digital tools. Experts highlight that there are three levels to classify digital transformation; Advanced Starter and Future, and make it a success, according to Inbound Cycle . It may be that your company is advance in the process, and in this case inbound marketing or big data applies.

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The 7 challenges of digital

Transformation 1-Employees You must make clear to the company staff the importance of digital transformation, since it is the first obstacle, because it is quite a challenge to learn the new digital tools. In this sense, the human resources department has a great weight in the process. 2-Digital communication There are several Email Lead communication channels that you can use and one of the most important is social networks, so you must choose which one your potential client uses and design your Social Media strategy. You can have a blog that will help you in the digital transformation process and provide added value to users. 3-The cloud A great challenge is the use of the cloud, despite the fact that some executives question security,