Rüdiger Haegele Leitung Online Sales

contact name: Rüdiger Haegele
contact job function details: leitung online sales
contact job function: sales

contact job title: Leitung Online Sales

contact job seniority: entry

contact person city: Berlin

contact person state: Berlin

contact person country: Germany

contact person zip code: 10587

business name: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rüdiger-haegele-1794b78a

business domain: GRAVIS Computervertriebsgesellschaft mbH

business facebook URL: gravis.de

business linkedin: https://www.facebook.com/GRAVIS.GRAVIS

business twitter: http://www.linkedin.com/company/10068234

business website: https://twitter.com/gravis_germany

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business angellist: http://www.gravis.de

business found year:

business city: 1986

business zip code: Berlin

business state: 10587

business country: Berlin

business language: 39

business employee: Germany

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business category: German

business specialty: retail

business technology: retail

business description: office_365,woopra,intelliad,peerius,wordpress_org,facebook_login,google_tag_manager,facebook_web_custom_audiences,typo3,mobile_friendly,doubleclick,facebook_widget,nginx,google_analytics,google_adwords_conversion

